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Breatherapy and 10 ways to relax with essential oils.
Aromatherapy patch

Top 10 Ways to Relax with Essential Oils

Breatherapy patches are like personal diffusers you can wear. We make it easy to inhale the healing effects of essential oils. In return, this elicits the relaxation response. The more you breathe ...

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How to Use + Wear Breatherapy Aromatherapy Patches

How to Use + Wear Breatherapy Aromatherapy Patches

Our Breatherapy patches are easy to apply and last up to 8 hours for pure essential oil aromatherapy. Watch this video to learn how to remove and apply our Breatherapy aromatherapy patches. Wear...

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Breatherapy Featured in Redfin “Scentsational” Article

Breatherapy Featured in Redfin “Scentsational” Article

We were honored to be included in Redfin’s 20 “Scentsational” Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like the Holidays article featuring an array of ways to enhance the experience of your home and room and ...

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Girl looks out window

Feeling Lonely? This Could Help

Loneliness got you down?  Do you find yourself looking for ways to add fulfillment to your days when you’re lacking entertainment? There are several healthy ways to spend time with yourself that c...

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Happy Woman

Aromatherapy Tabs Help With COVID Loss of Smell

The Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 63-year-old had lost her sense of taste and smell when she contracted COVID-19 last summer, and never regained them once she’d recovered. She no longer enjoyed her fav...

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The Place - Fox 13

Breatherapy on Live TV!

Breatherapy patches were featured on the live TV Summer SUNsations segment along with other wellness products under $30 for perfectly delightful summer adventures. Enjoy fun commentary from the on...

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Breatherapy Kits

Aaron Theno’s Podcast on the Power of Essential Oils

Imagine your sense of smell impacting your entire sense of being. It happens every day. Something magical happens when the chemical sense of smell mixes with our own chemistry. That power of olfact...

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The Essential Oil of Sweet Marjoram

Sweet Marjoram is probably an undervalued entity in the world of essential oils. This comforting herbaceous botanical is both complex and alluring. If you haven’t experienced it before it’s worth ...

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Sweet orange slices

Sweet Orange Essential Oil

As the most quintessential citrus fruit, the orange is so common to us it may be an afterthought when it comes to health benefits. Of course we know its juice and flesh is high in vitamin C, but t...

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Woman wearing a Breatherapy tab

How to Use Breatherapy Tabs

Breatherapy tabs are a unique new way to use aromatherapy that is safe, convenient and discreet. Being that you may not have seen them before, you might be wondering just how to use them.

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Rosemary for Energy

Rosemary may be more familiar to you as a culinary staple in the kitchen since it's an herb that can add so much bright, earthy flavor to your favorite dishes. As anyone who has ever cut up fresh ...

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Spearmint sprig

Spearmint (Not Just for Gum)

Spearmint! Let’s be honest, spearmint is probably something that makes you think of gum, or maybe candy, but fresh spearmint is so very refreshing and has a natural sweetness to it that can enh...

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Ginger Root

The Brilliance of Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger: what does hearing the word “ginger” bring to mind? Maybe it’s the herbal kick that it can give your favorite dishes, or perhaps the health benefits of a strong ginger tea.  Ginger root is ...

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Suitcase being packed

Tips for Travel Wellness

Some of life is opening back up which means there are more opportunities to travel. Venturing beyond your close quarters after a time can present new challenges to your health. We have 6 tips f...

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The Refreshing Scent Of Lime

The scent of lime is so refreshing! That citrusy zing might make you think of your favorite foods or a night out with a cocktail in hand. Light, sour and full of personality, lime is a good friend...

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Basil Leaves

Basil Essential Oil

When you hear the word “Basil” what do you think of? Perhaps the kick of fresh pesto or maybe a good thin crust Margherita pizza. That thinking would be true of most people. However, if you’re an ...

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Lavender Plant

Notes on Lavender

Lavender may truly be the Queen of all essential oils. Its beautiful, round, sweet, floral scents are wonderful to breathe in, and even more lovely when you come to find how it can make you fee...

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Secrets of Grapefruit Essential Oil

Just the mention of grapefruit can make your mouth water thinking about the juicy, pink sections of this Vitamin-C packed citrus favorite. In the world of aromatherapy, however, grapefruit oil is ...

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Woman Doing Yoga

12 Tiny Steps Towards Wellness

There are times it feels like overhauling your entire life to achieve wellness will have the opposite effect: make you ill with the prospect of not being anywhere close to achieving your goal. ...

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Deep breaths

Breathing 101

Breathing. It’s one of the most fundamental pieces of our existence, both voluntary and involuntary. It’s something about which we have control, but only partially, and even then, only for short p...

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Stress and Anxiety: Are We Coping Correctly?

Stress and Anxiety: Are We Coping Correctly?

Stress. Anxiety. These two words have gained so much prominence in our modern world…

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